Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance
Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA)
The Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance is the largest high-tech association in Canada, CATAAlliance matches businesses with opportunities across almost every sector, so that they can all do business together. Reaching out from Canada, CATAAlliance members are connected with investment and partnership opportunities with the major global companies. As 80% are exporters, CATA's members are the arrow-head for global growth.
PTSC-Online and CATA have a mutually benificial networking partnership. It provides PTSC-Online viewers with a source of technology information and events which can be used to enhane their programs. It assists CATA in reaching emergency management, business continuity and critical infrastructure protection professionals with up to date technology information.
The networking partnership will seek to identify and undertake technology projects that are of mutual benefit to PTSC-Online and CATA which are aimed at enhancing tehnology solutions for emergency management. It also provides CATA and its members with access to the PTSC-Online Events Calendar, and enabes CATA members to develop a member profile by joining PTSC-Online and enables them to use the Suppliers section to list their company information in the Supplier Directory, use the Supplier blog to promote their products and services and announce upcoming events in the supplier calendar.
Networking Partnerships
- Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance
- Canadian Association of Chemical Distributors
- Canadian Red Cross
- Canadian Risks and Hazard Network
- Cape Breton University - Emergency Management Prog…
- CBRNE Collaborative
- ClearRisk
- Community Awareness and Emergency Response - CAER
- Crisis Commons
- DRI Canada
- Emergency Management and Public Safety Institute
- Emergency 2.0 Wiki
- Federation of Canadian Municipalities
- Insurance Media Group - Canadian Underwrier
- National Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction - Pri…
- NFPA Canada
- Ontario Association of Emergency Managers