Emergency Management / Business Continuity Students Work Space - PTSC-Online
Partnerships Toward Safer Communities - Online recognizes the value of emergency management / business continuity related education and training, as important factors for developing and maintaining effective EM & BC programs. The students space has been created in cooperation with student group representatives to encourage and support students, worldwide, who are pursuing emergency management education and training.
The students work space is available to all students pursuing full or part time emergency management / business continuity related training. Details on using this section are provided in the Guidelines.
Students Blog
I look forward to networking in person with students and faculty at the York University Disaster and Emergency Management Career Fair on February 27th. PTSC-Online provides a "student's space" for emergency and continuity management students to network within PTSC-Online in addition to the networking opportunity they have in our overall community. In spite of promoting this space to students it has received little use. Hopefully I can find out why and more importantly, what can be done about it.
The Student's Space in PTSC-Online provides students studying emergency and continuity management, either in a full time program or in an independent study program, with a separate space to network as students within PTSC-Online. Students are identified within the space with links to their PTSC-Online profiles and it provides them with a student's blog channel, and events calendar, a place to publish papers and presentations, a place to share employment opportunities and needs and a wiki for…
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Mentor Program Blog
The concept of a mentor program to assist folks who are pursuing emergency and continuity management careers is being considered by PTSC-Online.
A mentoring space has been set up in PTSC-Online for the purpose of discussing how our PTSC-Online community could help support a mentor program for emergency management and business continuity professionals. If you have interest in this program please comment on this article or contact Alexandra Lawless or Bill MacKay.
Benefits of Student Participation
- Liaison between students and emergency management professionals
- A window on Canadian emergency management through PTSC-Online
- Canada wide liaison among Canadian EM & BC students
- Assistance in finding work / employment
- Opportunities to showcase communication and emergency management skills
- Opportunities to influence improvements in Canadian emergency management